Inteli Bot is an artificial intelligence-powered chatbot that can assist with various tasks, answer questions, provide information, and engage in conversation on a wide array of topics.

You can interact with Inteli Bot by typing in your questions or commands in the chat interface. The bot will process your input and respond accordingly.

Inteli Bot can provide answers to your queries, help you find information, assist with task management, and much more. It can engage in conversation on numerous subjects, making it a versatile tool for many purposes.

Yes, we take data security seriously. We use industry standard practices to protect your data and maintain your privacy. Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.

Currently, Inteli Bot primarily supports English. We are working on adding more languages in the future.

While Inteli Bot is designed to understand and respond to a wide range of queries, there may be instances when it doesn't understand. In such cases, you might want to try rephrasing your question or command.

We use anonymized and aggregated data to improve the Service and develop new products, services, features, and functionalities. This helps us to make the bot smarter and more useful to you. You can read more about this in our Terms and Conditions.

If you need support or wish to report an issue, please email us at admin@intelibot.ai.

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